Thursday, May 10, 2007

Projects I hope to complete

Superconducting Piston Coil

A coil cpable of retrofitting into exiting auto engine piston housings. The coil can be used to drive the motion of the crankshaft. The fuel would be nitrogen and the exhaust would be nitrogen.

Wearable computer with voice interface

Yes wearble computers are old school. This one would have a headsup display and be a thin client tied back to a central server. Voice software would not be much different than today but with different use and intentions. More of a learning process for the central server than putting voice recognition on a local PC.

Telportation - YEA YEA YEA dont get to carried away it isnt what you think

Don't teleport the object but rather the atmospheric conditions around the object. This could be used to remove air resistance from cars and provide lift to vehicles. Place focus on the teleporation of Nitrogen (72 percent of the atmosphere) molecules. It is not as far away as you may think.

Rh- Model as it applies to Neandertal

A computer simulation that would evaluate the potential that Neandertal was Rh- in blood type. If this is true then it stands to reason that there is no match of mtDNA in present day humans. Consider the following. mtDNA comes from the female line. If all Neandertal were Rh- and all Homo Sapiens were Rh+ then all neandertal women would die after their first child. Over a period of 10,000 years there would be no mtDNA contribution left. Nuclear DNA could still contain vestiages of Neandertal but no one has extracted nuclear DNA from a Neandertal bone. So despite the mtDNA research indicating no relations, there may still be some. I think Rh type, femurs, hips and brow ridge could be the key to this study.

Gravity based energy sources

I haven't spent much time on this but it would seem there is more gravity than any other source of energy less solar. It is clean but it is a weak source of energy. Extraction could come from tides and/or even ocean swells. Certainly this research needs to be expanded.

Books I hope to write

Why am I Black - A Search for Human Origins

This book is almost complete. It is a discussion of racial classification and the absurd process that we use in America to classify people. Using the standards offered by the Office of Management and Budget of the Federal Government I am convinced we are free to declare whatever solution suits us best for a situation.

Coaching in the Classroom and Teaching on the Athletic Field

This book is a dicussion of how we have the education process backwards. Break a wrestlers finger and he will tape it up and return to the mat. Ask a student why he is taking Physics and he will tell you it is a pre-req. We must find a method to motivate students like we do on the athletic field. A play as simple as 32-give man will be practiced till perfection on the football field. If I have done one stand up on the wrestling mat I have done 100,000. In class we show a concept then we move on. We must employ strategic practices in the education system.

Death, Tragedy and Quantum Entanglement

This book is a discussion on the effects of technology on our understanding of grief and death. At Normandy America lost tens of thousands of men to secure a beach head. In Iraq one death makes front page news. Death is part of life (at this point). Freedom comes at a cost. Religious faith goes a long way in securing happiness.

Chaining the Leviathan

This book is a discussion on what I experienced trying to fix the financial and operational processes of a Historically Black College. Entitlement programs can easily destroy the very programs they intend to help. Good companies have plenty of investors bad companies don't. The market place should wakeup to the reality when considering special programs.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I thought I was done

I thought I had finished the entire book regarding Race in America. In the end I was convinced I was black by OMB standards.

For the last two years I worked at a Historically Black University. I was hired as CIO I was promoted to VP of Business and Finance and then to VP of Operations. While I was there I cut IT costs by 60 percent, increased available computers by more than 200 percent, cut energy costs through green methods, reduced the overall budget and increased revenues all while going through re-accreditation by SACS and introducing a novel idea of providing cell phones to every student. I must add despite being a Physicist by education, the Financial Audit was the first "clean" audit in 5 years. However, my greatest accomplishment came in the classroom. I taught 1 Physics course a semester and in the last year I recieved 100 percent perfect reviews by my students. White skin Physics teacher, black skin students and it was their favorite class. It is because I coached in the Classroom. Not just Physics but life skills.

Despite my accomplishments I feel I must still add one more chapter to the book. Two years in the Lions Den. Well meant Federal Money is killing small institutions. It is a complex model but it is real. Millions are given to a University to build a new program. There are not enough operational funds for the programs at hand. Building more only makes troubles worse. We have to rethink how we award money.