The Next Hundred Years
I have not blogged about the market in over a week. In market time frame that is for ever. The outcomes have really been unremarkable. We have been abstaining from short selling for the last few days. But then again we have been abstaining from long buying as well.
Today I do not want to really talk about where the market is going but rather where it has been and how we will judge this time from the future. Yesterday I spent the morning at my church cleaning fallen trees from our outdoor areas. We had had a terrible storm last weekend and 4 trees had fallen in the church areas. With me working yesterday was a gentleman my fathers age. He is 84 years old and he and I spoke about what he had seen in his life. War II, Korea, Aircraft that he had worked on just everything. Eventually we talked about the Great Depression. He and I laughed at what people today are calling a potential depression. Our economic situation is no where close to the condition that Americans saw in the 1930's.
I think the most shocking part of this matter will be my take on why this depression is no where the depression of those times. It is my belief that 100 years from now George Bush, Ben Bernanke and others will be seen as some of the greatest Financial Minds of all time. How can this be? Well how could it be that I have called the market so correctly through the last month. Macro understanding of the micro-workings can only be measured after the completion of the micro processes. I think the steps taken by Bernanke et al, were genius. I will explain more later.